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This informal work unit is activated when the field quality of warm magnetic dipole measurements show anomalies. It gathers project engineers, technicians, magnet measurers, and analysts. This web page keeps track of closed and open crisis during the main LHC dipole production as far as field quality is concerned, decisions that have been taken, and acquired experience. We acknowledge V. Remondino and J. Billan for the instrumentation for magnetic measurements and all the technicians of the LHC-MMS-IF section (now in AT-MTM) for carrying out measurements at the manufacturers. Measurements at 1.9 K provided by L. Bottura L. Deniau and S. Sanfilippo (AT-MTM-AS). Disclaimer: Please note that these measurements are the result of the efforts and collaboration of many people. However these results are not final. You can consult data, but before using them you are kindly requested to ask the permission from the Authors. Open cases: Systematic component of a4 in Firm2 Field quality variation after recollaring in collared coil 2013 et al. Systematic differences in main field Closed cases: The double coil protection sheet in collared coil 2002 Cold welds in the cables of cryomagnet 1005
radial shift of a conductor block in collared coil 1099 Calibration of integrated main field Inner radial shift of a conductor block in collared coil 2032 Inner radial shift of a conductor block in collared coil 2035
radial shift of a conductor block in collared coil 2065
Inner radial shift of a conductor block in collared coil 2084 Inner radial shift of a conductor block in collared coil 2089 Inspection of CC 2092 during de-collaring procedure (due to QH problems) Inner radial shift of a conductor block in collared coil 3135
Inner radial shift of a conductor block in collared coil