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The AT-MAS Field Quality Observatory
Main Quadrupoles

This web site contains updated graphs of field quality measured in the Large Hadron Collider Quadrupoles at the manufacturer and comparison to beam dynamics targets. LHC main quadrupoles are built by a CERN-CEA collaboration under the responsibility of T. Tortschanoff (AT-MAS-MQ section). This analysis is carried out by the AT-MAS-MA section as a support to the follow up of the production and steering of field quality towards beam dynamics targets.

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Collared coils are identified by a progressive number. Comparison with targets is carried out by assuming that unallowed harmonics have the same value in the collared coil and at 1.9 K, and that only allowed components at injection are shifted by the persistent current as measured for the prototypes (b6=-4.0, and zero for b10 and b14). The contribution of the beam screen is taken into account in the targets. Data at 300 K are locally re-centered using feed-down of b2 on b1 and a1 at first order. We assume a target of 0 units for all systematics at injection, and the target for the random as given in the 9901 table. We acknowledge F. Simon, M. Durante, CEA and Accel teams for providing the data at 300 K and MTM-MA section for data on prototypes at 1.9 K.

Excel files with magnetic measurements of each collared coil or cold mass at room temperature can be found in the LHC main quadrupole data repository.

Disclaimer: Please note that these measurements are the result of the efforts and collaboration of many people. However these results are not final. You can consult data, but before using them you are kindly requested to ask the permission from the authors.

Field quality newsletter (PDF format)
















Note! Click here if you need access to the original documents in MS Word format

MQ Collared Coils

Summary of systematic and random versus targets Excel

Magnetic length, field gradient and integrated field gradient Excel

Allowed field harmonics versus targets b6,b10,b14 Excel

Non-allowed field harmonics a3,a4,a5 Excel b3,b4,b5 Excel and a6,b7,a7 Excel

Statistical analysis of the production homogeneity  Excel

Field gradient, b6 and b10 as function of collar permeability Excel

b6 as function of protection sheet thickness Excel

MQ Cold Mass

Summary of systematic and random versus targets  Excel

Magnetic length, field gradient and integrated field gradient Excel

Allowed field harmonics versus targets: b6,b10,b14 Excel

Non-allowed field harmonics a3,a4,a5 Excel, b3,b4,b5 Excel and a6,b7,a7 Excel

Statistical analysis of the production homogeneity  Excel

b6 as function of protection sheet thickness  Excel

Photo: "The photojournalist Dennis Stock", by A. Feininger, 1951. AT-MAS Logo by V. Frigo.
Updated 2006-01-10 by PH Authors: ET and PH