lhc-div-mms.web.cern.ch - /Inspectors/Ansaldo/Files/Ansaldo Contract/Geometry/NOELL/HCMBA-001-03000007/Under The Press/Under the press_250_bars/

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6/28/2002 6:48 PM 1048576 020628_a.axyz
6/28/2002 6:40 PM 2449 020628_a.ini
6/28/2002 6:43 PM 2786 all_meas.txt
6/28/2002 6:45 PM 2776 all_meas_tr.txt
6/28/2002 6:47 PM 105472 analysis_250_bars.xls
6/28/2002 6:43 PM 1362 extcc.txt
6/28/2002 6:43 PM 1365 intcc.txt
1/13/2015 9:42 AM <dir> Temp
6/28/2002 6:43 PM 2845 theor.txt