From: Gnassi marco []
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 1:14 PM
To: Frederic Savary
Cc: Franco Terzi; Bruno Caserza; Giovanni Drago; Pasquale Gagliardi; Marta Bajko; Andrea Musso;; Jan Hansen
Subject: Leak Test Report and Chart Recorder about CM 2174

Attachments: LT_2174.pdf; Leak_test_2174.xls

Dear Mr. Savary,


Please find here the Leak Test Report and Chart Recorder about CM 2174


Best regards,



Marco Gnassi

Ansaldo Superconduttori S.p.A. Perrone, 73r – 16152 Genova – ITALY

Tel. +39-010-6489295



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