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Component Center
Procure all the main components that CERN has to supply to the Main Dipole
Assemblers (excluding superconducting cables, coil insulation, bus bars,
corrector magnets, diodes and bellows). Procure mechanical components to
other magnet group.
Having the responsibility of the technical follow-up, take the necessary
action to assure the technical adequacy of the critical components, in
strict accordance with the MD section (responsible in front of the CMAs),
including all necessary tests and, proper Q and proper documentation (including
data availability for data-base and analysis)
Organise, in strict collaboration with the Logistic section, the timely
arrival to CERN of the materials or, if required, directly to the CMAs.
the financial evolution and take actions to anticipates crises.
Organise the team to work as a “center”, i.e. assuring a good serviced,
including documentation at all-times.
Content: Vittorio Remondino |