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Compile, Link, Run FLUKA

useful commands

Descriptions  FLUKA commands
 To compile a fortran subroutine $FLUPRO/flutil/fff subroutine.f

It will generate a file subroutine.o

To link a routine to FLUKA and create the corresponding executable $FLUPRO/flutil/fff subroutine.f

$FLUPRO/flutil/lfluka -o subroutine  -m subroutine.f

exemple: mgread.f

To link a user routine and create the corresponding executable $FLUPRO/flutil/fff subroutine.f

$FLUPRO/flutil/lfluka -o subroutine  subroutine.f

exemple: usxsuw.f,....

To link and create a new executable for running FLUKA,  with the default event generator $FLUPRO/flutil/lfluka -o name_executable -m fluka  subroutine.o
To create an executable with the link to DPMJET event generator: $FLUPRO/flutil/ldpm3qmd -o executable name -m fluka source_routine name.o

a output fortran file fort.19 is generated at the end of the FLUKA runs and tells that DPMJET was correctly run. 

To run FLUKA $FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -e name_executable -N0 -M1 input_file_name

note that the input_file_name is without the extension .inp

N0 it will start the cycle from 0

M1 it will make one run

Updated 2006-11-22 by C. HOA