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Reference routines

last update Input files  Descriptions
26-01-07 mgread.f fortran routine that writes in afort.66 file the data of one specified event.


26-01-07 expect_script expect script to read the unformatted file generated by the USRDUMP card. It writes the data of the specified events (all the events in the exemple) in a fortran file (fort.66)




source routine for calling DPMJET event generator.

The parameters that are passed to  DPMJET are:

  • momemtum vector of beam 1: px1,py1,pz1
  • momemtum vector of beam 2: px2,py2,pz3
  • smearing of the collision positions, according to a gaussian distribution: sigma x, sigma y, sigma z

last change (15/02/07), for any source routine with interactions generation:


This variable initialization is required to recover a random seed file that stops at the last event before the run crashes. It is convenient for debugging: the job can be re-launched from this random seed file.




Updated 2007-02-19 by C. HOA