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Magnet design-Analysis and database Section
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Conference abstracts
ASC 2006
- A finite-element model
for electro-mechanical analysis of LHC main dipole magnet
M. Pojer, A. Devred and W. Scandale.
- Calculation of magnetic
field hysteresis due to superconductor strand magnetization
in corrector magnets for LHC
M. Karppinen, S. Le Naour, W. Venturini-Delsolaro, C.
Vollinger, R. Wolf.
- Design and optimization of a cos(
cross-section for a high-field field dipole.
C. Vollinger, N. Schwerg, A. Devred, D. Leroy.
- An adaptative simulation
of the LHC optics
P. Hagen, M. Giovannozzi, J.-P. Koutchouk, T. Risselada,S.
Sanfilippo, E. Todesco, E. Wildner.
- An early beam separation scheme for the
J.-P. Koutchouk, G. Sterbini, CERN.
- Accelerator Physics Code Web Repository
Frank Zimmermann, Romain Basset, Ulrich Dorda, Massimo
Giovannozzi, Yannis Papaphilippou, Tatiana Pieloni,
Francesco Ruggiero, Giovanni Rumolo, Frank Schmidt, Ezio
Todesco (CERN, Geneva), Jacques Payet (CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette),
Elena Benedetto (CERN, Geneva; Politecnico di Torino, Torino),
Riccardo Bartolini (Diamond, Oxfordshire), Laurent Farvacque
(ESRF, Grenoble), Tanaji Sen (Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois),
Bruno Zotter (Honorary CERN Staff Member, Grand-Saconnex),
Yong Ho Chin, Kazuhito Ohmi, Katsunobu Oide (KEK, Ibaraki),
Miguel Furman, David Grote, Ji Qiang, GianLuca Sabbi,
Jean-Luc Vay (LBNL, Berkeley, California), Alex Friedman (LLNL,
Livermore, California), Sarah M. Cousineau, Viatcheslav V.
Danilov, Jeffrey Alan Holmes, Andrei P. Shishlo (ORNL, Oak
Ridge, Tennessee), Eun-San Kim (PAL, Pohang, Kyungbuk),
Yunhai Cai, Mauro Torino Francesco Pivi (SLAC, Menlo Park,
California), Dobrin Kaltchev (TRIUMF, Vancouver), Dan Tyler
Abell (Tech-X, Boulder, Colorado), Tom Katsouleas (USC, Los
Angeles, California).
- Analytical Formulae to Compute the
Contribution to the Magnetic Field of a Cylindrical
Ferromagnetic Yoke or Tube Surrounding or Enclosed by an
Accelerator Magnet Coil
Arnaud Devred (CERN, Geneva), Danny Trassard (CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette).
- Computation of Parasitic Fields in the
Arnaud Devred, Auchmann Bernhard, Yann Boncompagni, Valeri
Ferapontov, Jean-Pierre Koutchouk, Stephan Hans Russenschuck,
Thomas Sahner, Christine Vollinger (CERN, Geneva).
- Investigations of the
parameter space for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade*
J.-P. Koutchouk, CERN.
- Matching Field Orientation and Mechanical
Twist in Superconducting Bending Magnets
Marco La China, Boris Bellesia, Walter Scandale (CERN,
- Study of Geometrical Random Errors in
Magnetic Field of Accelerator Magnets
Boris Bellesia, Ezio Todesco (CERN, Geneva).
- Observation of the
Long-range Beam-beam Effect in RHIC and Plans for
Wolfram Fischer (BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York), Ulrich
Dorda, Jean-Pierre Koutchouk, Frank Zimmermann (CERN,
Geneva), Tanaji Sen (Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois), Jack Shi
(KU, Lawrence, Kansas), Ji Qiang (LBNL, Berkeley,
- Performance of the LHC Arc
Superconducting Quadrupoles towards the End of their Series
Theodor Tortschanoff, Per Hagen, Michele Modena, Lucio
Rossi, Stephane Sanfilippo, Karl Martin Schirm, Ezio Todesco,
Elena Wildner (CERN, Geneva), Rolf Burgmer, Hans-Udo Klein,
Detlef Krischel, Bernd Schellong, Paul Schmidt (ACCEL,
Bergisch Gladbach), Maria Durante, Alain Payn, Fabrice Simon
(CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette).
- Performance of LHC Main Dipoles for Beam
Gijsbert De Rijk, Marta Bajko, Luca Bottura, Marco Carlo
Luigi Buzio, Vinod Chohan, Laurent Deniau, Paolo Fessia,
Juan Garcia Perez, Per Hagen, Jean-Pierre Koutchouk, Janusz
Kozak, John Miles, Dominique Missiaen, Michele Modena,
Pierre Pugnat, Vittorio Remondino, Lucio Rossi, Stephane
Sanfilippo, Frederic Savary, Andrzej Piotr Siemko, Nikolay
Smirnov, Andrzej Stafiniak, Ezio Todesco, Davide Tommasini,
Jos Vlogaert, Christine Vollinger, Louis Walckiers, Elena
Wildner (CERN, Geneva).
- Unprecedented Quality Control Techniques
applied on a Large-scale Production of Superconducting
Dipole Magnets for the LHC Project at CERN
Frederic Savary, Marta Bajko, Gijsbert De Rijk, Paolo Fessia,
Per Hagen, Ezio Todesco, Christine Vollinger, Elena Wildner
(CERN, Geneva). PDF
Master Thesis
- P. Tropea, The CERN-LHC
superconducting dipole: assembly and cool-down deformation influence on the
magnetic field quality, University of Genova, November 2000.
- S. Redaelli, Analysis of magnetic field perturbations
in the main dipoles and quadrupoles of the Large Hadron Collider,
University of Milano, November 2000.
- M. La China,
Steady state and transient thermo-mechanical analisys of the LHC
superconducting dipole, University of Genova, November 2001.
- S. Pauletta, Field quality analysis to monitor the industrial series production of
the dipole magnets for the Large Hadron Collider, University of Torino, July 2002.Pdf
- N.Schwerg,
Electromagnetic Design Study for a 15 T Large Bore
Superconducting Dipole Magnet, University of Berlin,
November 2005.
Ph. D. Thesis
- P. Ferracin, Mechanical and magnetic behaviour of the
Large Hadron Collider main dipole
Politecnico of Torino, March 2002. Pdf