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This web site contains updated graphs of coil sizes and E-modulus measured in the LHC main dipoles. Measurements and post-processing of raw data are carried out through instrumentation and personnel of the firms and by CERN . Excel files containing coil size and coil dimension measurements of each collared coil can be found in the LHC main dipole data repository. Instructions: to reduce the probability of
activating IE and Excel bugs, please do not open files from your browser but save
them on your disk (on IE, place your mouse on the link, then right mouse and Save
target as ...). Then, please open them with the disabled
macro and no
update options. You need a NICE password to download the files.
For problems in file downloading please contact author.
Disclaimer: Please note that these measurements
are the result of the efforts and collaboration of many people. However these
results are not final. You can consult data, but before using them you are
kindly requested to ask the permission from the author. 2005 2004 2003