JFreeChart Change Log ===================== This change log contains details of the changes between versions. Please be aware that the log *may* be incomplete. 02-Jun-2005 : VERSION 1.0.0-rc1 RELEASED SPECIAL NOTE: this version is a "release candidate" for 1.0.0 final. If no significant API problems are reported, the JFreeChart API will be frozen and this release will be relabelled JFreeChart 1.0.0. Once this is done, we aim to maintain a stable series of 1.0.x releases which preserve backwards compatibility with the JFreeChart 1.0.0 API. Only bug fixes and new features that don't break the existing API will be added to this series. At the same time, a new development branch of JFreeChart will be created, using the version numbers 1.1.x. This branch will not maintain backwards compatibility, but will be used for new features that can't be added without changing the API. At some point in the future this branch will be released as a stable JFreeChart 1.2.0. 02-Jun-2005 : [NEW] Added domain marker support to CategoryPlot (DG); 01-Jun-2005 : [BUG] Fixed serialization of CategoryPlot and XYPlot - see patch 1209475 at SourceForge (DG); [BUG] Fixed bug 1209146 - a problem with marker label positioning (DG); 31-May-2005 : [API] Fixed typo in method name 'addSubitle' in JThermometer class (DG); 20-May-2005 : [API] Changed seriesName (String) to seriesKey (Comparable) in all datasets - you can still use String objects for the name / key, but now have the *option* to use other objects if you need to (the toString() method generates the series labels) (DG); [BUG] Fixed bug 1113521 - inefficient getEntity() method in StandardEntityCollection (DG); [API] Added getItem() methods to DefaultBoxAndWhiskerDataset and DefaultBoxAndWhiskerXYDataset (DG); [API] In PeriodAxisLabelInfo, added constants for default values and checks for null arguments in the constructor (DG); [NEW] Added setDomainAxes() and setRangeAxes() methods to CategoryPlot and XYPlot, as per RFE 1183100 (DG); [ ] Speed up binning in HistogramDataset - see patch 1026151 contributed by Cameron Hayne (DG); 19-May-2005 : [NEW] In CategoryPlot, added removeAnnotation() and clearAnnotations() methods (DG); [NEW] Added serialVersionUID for serializable classes (DG); [NEW] Added code to XYBarRenderer and ClusteredXYBarRenderer to draw item labels (DG); 18-May-2005 : [NEW] Added configurable base value to BarRenderer (DG); 17-May-2005 : [API] Moved DataUtilities from org.jfree.data.general --> org.jfree.data package (DG); [NEW] Modified the StackedBarRenderer to support "percentage" bar charts where the stacked bars add to 100% (DG); [API] In XYPlot, renamed get/setZeroRangeXXX() methods --> get/setRangeZeroXXX() (DG); 16-May-2005 : [BUG] ClusteredXYBarRenderer now used outlineStroke setting for bar outlines, rather than the regular stroke. Also removed some redundant code and now the renderer respects the 'base' value set in the super class. Added an equals() method (DG); 13-May-2005 : [NEW] Added options to control padding of legend item labels and graphics (DG); 10-May-2005 : [NEW] Added flag to control visibility of label linking lines in the PiePlot class. Added another flag to control the handling of zero values (DG); 06-May-2005 : [API] Added convenience methods to AbstractBlock to set margin, border and padding (DG); 05-May-2005 : [API] Added equals() method to XYDifferenceRenderer, and changed setPlotShapes() --> setShapesVisible() (DG); 04-May-2005 : [BUG] Fixed serialization of markers in CategoryPlot and XYPlot (DG); 03-May-2005 : [BUG] Fixed some problems with unsorted XYSeries instances (DG); [API] Added equals() method to CompositeTitle (DG); 29-Apr-2005 : [BUG] Fixed 1192606 - DefaultOHLCDataset not serializable (DG); 27-Apr-2005 : [BUG] Fixed problem with getValueAt() method in the XYDatasetTableModel class - bug id 1191046 (DG); [BUG] StandardXYItemRenderer was not using the series label generator for legend items (DG); 25-Apr-2005 : [BUG] Fixed bar width calculation for BarRenderer3D, see bug 1189642 (DG); 21-Apr-2005 : [API] Replaced Insets with RectangleInsets in axis classes (DG); [API] Replaced Insets with RectangleInsets in plot classes (DG); [API] Removed some redundant parameters from methods in the axis classes (refreshTicks() and others) (DG); [API] Added SeriesRenderingOrder attribute to XYPlot, and added log axis margins - contributed by Eric Thomas, see patch 1187138 (DG); 20-Apr-2005 : [API] Renamed XYLabelGenerator --> XYItemLabelGenerator, and also the related methods (DG); [API] Renamed CategoryLabelGenerator --> CategoryItemLabelGenerator and also the related methods (DG); [NEW] LegendTitle now supports tooltips and URLs for the series labels (DG); 18-Apr-2005 : [BUG] Made constants in ChartPanel final (DG); [API] Added equals() method to LegendItemCollection, and implemented Cloneable and Serializable (DG); 17-Apr-2005 : [BUG] Fixed infinite loop in CompassPlot clone() method (DG); 15-Apr-2005 : [BUG] Fixed overruns in tick marks for PeriodAxis (DG); 13-Apr-2005 : [BUG] Modified ChartFactory to set tool tip and URL generators as base settings so as not to override per series settings added later (DG); [API] Added removeLegend() and removeSubtitle() methods to the JFreeChart class (DG); [BUG] Fixed shape positioning bug (id = 1182062) in the XYDifferenceRenderer class (DG); [BUG] Modified LineAndShapeRenderer and LineRenderer3D to respect series visibility flags (DG); 12-Apr-2005 : [API] Added getLegend() and getLegend(int) methods to JFreeChart class (DG); 11-Apr-2005 : [API] Added getFillZoomRectangle() method, renamed setHorizontalZoom() --> setDomainZoomable(), setVerticalZoom() --> setRangeZoomable(), added isDomainZoomable() and isRangeZoomable(), added getHorizontalAxisTrace() and getVerticalAxisTrace(), renamed autoRangeBoth() --> restoreAutoBounds(), autoRangeHorizontal() --> restoreAutoDomainBounds(), autoRangeVertical() --> restoreAutoRangeBounds() (DG) 10-Apr-2005 : [BUG] Fixed DefaultKeyedValues.getValue(Comparable) to throw an exception for unrecognised keys (bug 1177423) (DG); [BUG] Fixed item label positioning in StandardXYItemRenderer for horizontal orientation (DG); 29-Mar-2005 : [BUG] Fixed bug in drawItem() method for handling zero data values (DG); [BUG] Fixed bug in equals() method for ThermometerPlot (DG); 28-Mar-2005 : [API] In NumberAxis, renamed autoRangeIncludesZero() --> getAutoRangeIncludesZero() and autoRangeStickyZero() --> getAutoRangeStickyZero() (DG); [API] Renamed Legend --> OldLegend and StandardLegend --> DefaultOldLegend (DG); 27-Mar-2005 : [BUG] Fixed getSeries(int) method in XYSeriesCollection and TimeSeriesCollection (DG); 23-Mar-2005 : [BUG] Added missing code to FlowArrangement class (DG); [API] Refactored MeterPlot class to allow for an arbitrary number of intervals (plus various other changes to make this class fit better within JFreeChart) (DG); 22-Mar-2005 : [BUG] Fixed problem where XYPlot doesn't register as a listener with newly added renderer (DG); 18-Mar-2005 : [BUG] Fixed item labels on StackedBarRenderer3D (DG); 17-Mar-2005 : [BUG] Fixed problem with bounds calculation in the XYBubbleRenderer class (DG); [NEW] Added createRingChart() method to ChartUtilities (DG); [BUG] Fixed bug in legend where unfilled shapes are shown as filled shapes (DG); [BUG] Set outline stroke for shapes in XYLineAndShapeRenderer (DG); 16-Mar-2005 : [NEW] Added itemFont attribute to LegendTitle (DG); 15-Mar-2005 : [BUG] Fixed broken XYStepRenderer (DG); [API] In LineAndShapeRenderer, changed the defaultShapesFilled attribute from a Boolean --> boolean (DG); [BUG] Fixed bug 1163897, shape outlining for the LineAndShapeRenderer class (DG); [BUG] In AbstractRenderer, fixed serialization of baseFillPaint attribute (DG); 11-Mar-2005 : [BUG] Fixed bug in bounds recalculation for TimePeriodValues class - see bug report 1161329 (DG); [NEW] Added equals() method to TimePeriodValuesCollection class (DG); ----------------------------------------- 10-Mar-2005 : VERSION 1.0.0-pre2 RELEASED 09-Mar-2005 [BUG] Override getLegendItems in BoxAndWhiskerRenderer so that legend item shapes are displayed as blocks (DG); [NEW] Added several basic demos to the org.jfree.chart.demo package (DG); [NEW] Added option for "one time" charts in ServletUtilities (DG); 08-Mar-2005 : [BUG] Fixed problem with marker label positioning - see bug report 1088375 (DG); 24-Feb-2005 : [NEW] Added add/setValue(Comparator, double) methods to DefaultKeyedValues, for convenience (DG); [NEW] Added shift() methods to Range class (DG); [API] XYItemRenderer now extends LegendItemSource (DG); [API] Removed redundant class org.jfree.chart.renderer.RangeType (DG); [NEW] Added RangeType attribute to NumberAxis class (DG); 23-Feb-2005 : [BUG] Fixed bug 1077108 where first shape in each series using a StandardXYItemRenderer is not visible. Also fixed the getLegendItem() method to return lines (DG); [BUG] Fixed bug in PolarPlot where negative values are not plotted correctly (DG); 22-Feb-2005 : [API] Changed axis offset from Spacer --> RectangleInsets in XYPlot (DG); [BUG] XYDifferenceRenderer now overrides getLegendItem(int, int) to customise legend item correctly (DG); [API] Removed LegendItemLayout interface and StandardLegendItemLayout class (both never used) (DG); 21-Feb-2005 : [BUG] Fixed remove() method in CombinedRangeCategoryPlot class, see bug id 1121172 (DG); [NEW] Added update(Number, Number) method to XYSeries (DG); 09-Feb-2005 : [NEW] Added XYPolygonAnnotation class (DG); 08-Feb-2005 : [API] Changed RectangleConstraints definition - this affects most of the title classes which use it for layout purposes (DG); 05-Feb-2005 : [NEW] Implemented equals() method in DefaultStatisticalCategoryDataset (DG); 02-Feb-2005 : [NEW] Replaced default legend (StandardLegend) with a new implementation based around the LegendTitle class (DG); Added optional background paint settings for the MeterPlot class (DG); 01-Feb-2005 : [NEW] Added StatisticalLineAndShapeRenderer contributed by Mofeed Shahin (DG); 31-Jan-2005 : [NEW] Added SpiderWebPlot class contributed by Don Elliott (DG); 28-Jan-2005 : [API] TimeTableXYDataset now accepts any TimePeriod instance, not just RegularTimePeriod (allows the use of SimpleTimePeriod to draw stacked bar charts for arbitrary time periods) (DG); 26-Jan-2005 : [BUG] Fixed getLegendItem() method in AbstractXYItemRenderer to respect hidden series (DG); [NEW] Added override for getLegendItem() method in BarRenderer and XYBarRenderer (DG); [API] In LineAndShapeRenderer, changed drawShapes --> shapesVisible and drawLines --> linesVisible (DG); 25-Jan-2005 : [BUG] Fixed StackedXYBarRenderer handling of negative values (DG); 21-Jan-2005 : [API] Changed a constructor in the XYShapeAnnotation class (DG); 20-Jan-2005 : [NEW] Added XYBoxAnnotation class (DG); 19-Jan-2005 : [BUG] Reversed order of entities in image maps, to preserve layering order (DG); [ ] Updated various renderers to only access primitive values from XYDataset (DG); 14-Jan-2005 : [BUG] Fixed problem with DateAxis class with DateTickUnit.YEAR and DateTickMarkPosition.END - see http://www.jfree.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11330 (DG); 13-Jan-2005 : [API] Image maps are now generated to comply with the XHTML 1.0 specification. Renamed ImageMapUtil --> ImageMapUtilities (DG); 12-Jan-2005 : [BUG] Fixed bug 1099331 in TaskSeriesCollection class, and added better JUnit tests to prevent regressions (DG); 11-Jan-2005 : [API] Removed deprecated methods in the AbstractRenderer, AxisSpace, CategoryAxis, CategoryItemEntity, CategoryItemRenderer, CategoryLabelPosition, CategoryTableXYDataset, CategoryToPieDataset, CompassPlot, CompositeTitle, ContourPlot, DateAxis, DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset, DefaultBoxAndWhiskerXYDataset, DefaultStatisticalCategoryDataset, DefaultTableXYDataset, DomainInfo, DynamicTimeSeriesCollection, EntityCollection, ImageTitle, IntervalXYDelegate, ItemLabelAnchor, JDBCXYDataset, JFreeChart, Legend, LegendItem, LegendTitle, LogarithmicAxis, MeterLegend, MeterPlot, MovingAverage, NumberAxis, PieSectionEntity, RangeInfo, SegmentedTimeline, StandardLegend, Statistics, TextTitle, ThermometerPlot, TickUnits, TimePeriodValuesCollection, TimeSeriesCollection, TimeTableXYDataset, Title, ValueAxis, XYItemEntity and XYSeriesCollection classes/interfaces (DG); [API] Removed deprecated classes CategoryURLGeneratorTable, ShapeFactory, DefaultShapeFactory, SeriesShapeFactory, MeterDataset and DefaultMeterDataset (DG); 10-Jan-2005 : [NEW] Added new SimpleHistogramDataset class, plus SimpleHistogramBin and associated tests (DG); [BUG] Fixed bugs in Q1 and Q3 calculations in BoxAndWhiskerCalculator class (DG); [ ] Updated AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator to use x, y double primitives rather than Number objects (DG); 07-Jan-2005 : [BUG] Fixed bug in CategoryLabelPosition equals() method (DG); [API] Renamed several methods in the DatasetUtilities class, and removed all deprecated methods in preparation for the 1.0.0 release (DG); 06-Jan-2005 : [BUG] Fixed auto range calculation for StackedXYAreaRenderer and StackedXYBarRenderer, added JUnit tests to prevent regressions (DG); [BUG] Changed lookup for default chart background paint (DG); [API] Removed deprecated StackedAreaXYRenderer class (DG); ----------------------------------------- 29-Nov-2004 : VERSION 1.0.0-pre1 RELEASED [BUG] Fixed TimeSeries bug (1075255) (DG); 25-Nov-2004 : [NEW] LegendTitle class is now functioning (DG); [NEW] Added new CompositeTitle class (DG); [API] The Title class now implements the new Block interface (DG); [NEW] Added legend label generators for the XYPlot class (DG); [NEW] Added option for zero-baseline to XYPlot class (DG); [NEW] PiePlot now has a legend label generator and the ability to specify a custom legend item shape (DG); [NEW] Added a new subclass (DonutPlot) of PiePlot that draws a pie chart with a hole in the middle (DG); [NEW] Period axis now supports major and minor tick marks (DG); [NEW] Added createInstance() and downsize() methods to RegularTimePeriod class (DG); [ ] Changed default colors in ChartColor to softer shades (DG); 24-Nov-2004 : [NEW] Added getTimePeriod(int) method to the TimeTableXYDataset class (DG); 18-Nov-2004 : [BUG] Updated DomainInfo and RangeInfo interfaces to fix a bug in the auto-range calculation (DG); 15-Nov-2004 : [BUG] Removed creation of default tool tip generator from PiePlot3D (DG); 12-Nov-2004 : [API] Changed zooming mechanism to support zooming within subplots (DG); 11-Nov-2004 : [NEW] Added option to StandardXYItemRenderer to allow a series to be rendered all at once using GeneralPath (this is helpful to avoid problems when using dashed lines) (DG); [BUG] Fixed problem with null values in AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator (DG); 05-Nov-2004 : [API] CategoryItemRenderers can now use multiple passes through the dataset if necessary - this has been implemented to solve a problem with item labels being overwritten in stacked bar charts, but will have other applications also (DG); [BUG] Category label widths calculated as a percentage of the range length now use the plot area rather than the data area (which isn't known at the point the axis space is reserved) (DG); [BUG] Removed null datasets from the list returned by the datasetsMappedToRangeAxis() method in the CategoryPlot class - this fixes a null pointer exception (DG); 04-Nov-2004 : [ - ] Reverted instances of getTimeInMillis() (in several classes) with getTime().getTime() - the former won't compile with JDK 1.3 (see original change on 30-Sep-2004) (DG); [BUG] Added argument check to the setIntervalWidth() method in the XYSeriesCollection class (DG); 02-Nov-2004 : [BUG] Added sanity checks for MeterPlot range, and only draw the needle when the data value is within the overall range - see bug report 1056047 (DG); [ - ] Update to Spanish localisation file by Federico P??rtile - see patch 1056971 (DG); 15-Oct-2004 : [NEW] Added LineRenderer3D class contributed by Tobias Selb (DG); [BUG] Fixed problem with equals() method in LineAndShapeRenderer class (DG); 08-Oct-2004 : [NEW] Added 'thresholdType' to StandardXYItemRenderer, as suggested by Mike Watts (DG); 06-Oct-2004 : [API] In DomainInfo, renamed getDomainRange() --> getDomainBounds() (DG); [API] In XYPlot, added getDomainAxisIndex(ValueAxis) method (DG); 05-Oct-2004 : [ - ] In XYPlot, changed the storage for dataset to axis mappings from an ObjectList to a Map (DG); [BUG] Fixed bug in sorting with XYSeries when duplicate items are added (DG); 04-Oct-2004 : [BUG] Fixed item label alignment problem with BarRenderer3D when plot orientation is horizontal (DG); 01-Oct-2004 : [BUG] Fixed problem with ClusteredXYBarRenderer ignoring the 'drawBarOutline' flag inherited from XYBarRenderer, see bug report 1035156 (DG); [BUG] Fixed getLastMillisecond() method for the Week class (DG); [API] In XYBoxAndWhiskerRenderer, renamed 'paint' --> 'boxPaint' to avoid conflict with inherited attribute (DG); [BUG] Fixed bug 1029697, problem with label alignment in drawRangeMarker() method (DG); 30-Sep-2004 : [NEW] Annotations can now be attached to an XYItemRenderer in a foreground or background layer, with (optional) tool tips and URLs (for hyperlinking in HTML image maps) (DG); [ - ] Replaced instances of getTime().getTime() (in several classes) with getTimeInMillis() (DG); [BUG] Added equals() method to ValueMarker class (DG); 29-Sep-2004 : [BUG] Fixed hard-coded color in FastScatterPlot (DG); 27-Sep-2004 : [ - ] Switched YIntervalRenderer to access double primitives from dataset (DG); 24-Sep-2004 : [NEW] XYLineAndShapeRenderer now has an option to draw each series as a GeneralPath (DG); 16-Sep-2004 : [BUG] Fixed bug in equals(), added clone() to PeriodAxis (DG); 15-Sep-2004 : [BUG] Fixed clone() method in DefaultKeyedValues2D class (DG); [API] Added getXPosition(), setXPosition(), equals() and clone() methods to TimeTableXYDataset class (DG). ------------------------------------- 10-Sep-2004 : VERSION 0.9.21 RELEASED 10-Sep-2004 : [API] Removed getRangeType() method from XY renderers. 03-Sep-2004 : [NEW] Added an option to XYBarRenderer to use the y-interval from the dataset to determine the length of the bars. 31-Aug-2004 : [NEW] Added wrapping for the no-data message in plots. 24-Aug-2004 : [API] Split org.jfree.chart.renderer into subpackages for 'category' and 'xy' charts. [NEW] Some improvements to the chart property editors. 23-Aug-2004 : [BUG] Fixed bug in addOrUpdate() method of TimeSeries class. 19-Aug-2004 : [API] Split org.jfree.data package into various subpackages. 18-Aug-2004 : [NEW] Added removeAnnotation() method to XYPlot. 15-Aug-2004 : [NEW] Added drawBarOutline flag to StackedXYBarRenderer class. 13-Aug-2004 : [NEW] Added new ModuloAxis class. [BUG] Fixed bug with maxBarWidth attribute in GanttRenderer. [BUG] Changed default background color for charts. 11-Aug-2004 : [NEW] Italian localisation file added. [BUG] Fixed bug in StackedBarRenderer3D drawItem() method. 02-Aug-2004 : [API] Added ImageMapUtil class. 01-Aug-2004 : [API] Modified ChartUtilities to use new EncoderUtil class. 30-Jul-2004 : [BUG] Added method to calculate category coordinates for CategoryAxis3D. [BUG] Fixed bug in TaskSeriesCollection where series contain different task keys. 29-Jul-2004 : [API] Added getDomainOrder() to XYDataset interface. 28-Jul-2004 : [API] In DatasetUtilities, renamed lots of methods and changed XYDataset access to retrieve double primitives rather than Number objects (where possible). [BUG] Fixed bug in createNumber2DArray() method in the DatasetUtilities class. 20-Jul-2004 : [BUG] Fixed bug in getItemLabelFont() method in AbstractRenderer. 15-Jul-2004 : [API] Switched getZ() and getZValue() methods in the XYZDataset interface. [BUG] Fixed bug in StandardXYZToolTipGenerator. [NEW] Added time zone to DateAxis. 13-Jul-2004 : [API] ChartMouseEvent now extends EventObject and implements Serializable. [BUG] Added check for null chart to ChartPanel class. [BUG] Fixed bugs in removing subplots from combined plots. 07-Jul-2004 : [BUG] Fixed problems with KeyToGroupMap class. 22-Jun-2004 : [BUG] Fix for last-modified header in ServletUtilities. 16-Jun-2004 : [BUG] Fixed bug (972454) in LineAndShapeRenderer - label positioning was incorrect for horizontal charts. 17-Jun-2004 : [NEW] Added series visibility flag to AbstractRenderer. 15-Jun-2004 : [BUG] Fixed NullPointerException in TimeSeries.equals(). 14-Jun-2004 : [BUG] Fixed bug in drawRangeMarker() method in the AbstractCategoryItemRenderer class. [NEW] Added support for GradientPaint with interval markers. 10-Jun-2004 : [NEW] Added PeriodAxis class. 09-Jun-2004 : [NEW] Added MiddlePinNeedle class. ------------------------------------- 07-Jun-2004 : VERSION 0.9.20 RELEASED 04-Jun-2004 : [BUG] Legend title positioning bug fixed. 03-Jun-2004 : [BUG] Fixed problem with drawing interval markers. [BUG] Fixed problem with zooming. [BUG] Pie chart label distribution has been improved. 02-Jun-2004 : [API] Changed STANDARD --> FORWARD in DatsetRenderingOrder class. Also ensured that CategoryPlot and XYPlot use REVERSE for the default. [BUG] Fixed problem in calculateMedian() method in the Statistics class. [NEW] Added basic tool tip support for the BoxAndWhiskerRenderer class. [BUG] Fixed problem in setRangeWithMargins() method in the ValueAxis class - now works correctly with the DateAxis class also. 01-Jun-2004 : [API] JCommon: Added module support from JFreeReport for a controlled way to initialize the library. [BUG] Fixed some issues with the logging. ------------------------------------- 28-May-2004 : VERSION 0.9.19 RELEASED 25-May-2004 : [API] Modified HighLowItemLabelGenerator to use a NumberFormat instance (see patch 890496). [BUG] Fixed sort button renderer problem on MacOSX - see patch 910327. 24-May-2004 : [BUG] Fixed problem with Week class under different locales (see bug report 922322). 21-May-2004 : [NEW] Added extra addOrUpdate() method to the TimeSeries class. [BUG] Applied changes to the SegmentedTimeline class - see http://www.jfree.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=7093 [BUG] Fixed bug 951870 - precision in RefineryUtilities.drawAlignedString() method. [BUG] Fixed bug 940188 - problem in MatrixSeries getItemColumn() and getItemRow() methods. [API] JDBCXYDataset now implements the TableXYDataset interface and can also handle SMALLINT values. [BUG] Fixed problem with JDBCXYDataset calculation of min and max values (see bug 938138). 19-May-2004 : [BUG] Fixed bug (id 939500) where MeterDataset should extend ValueDataset. 18-May-2004 : [API] Added item paint methods to CategoryItemRenderer and XYItemRenderer interfaces. [NEW] Added methods to set axis range *including* current margins. [API] Eliminated AxisConstants.java. 13-May-2004 : [NEW] Added optional fixedLegendItems attribute to the XYPlot class. [NEW] Added shape creation methods to ShapeUtils.java. 12-May-2004 : [NEW] Added optional fixedLegendItems attribute to the CategoryPlot class. [BUG] Removed AbstractSeriesRenderer.java. 11-May-2004 : [API] Renamed DatasetUtilities.getPieDatasetTotal() --> calculatePieDatasetTotal(). [API] Split category item label generators into separate classes. 06-May-2004 : [API] Added getX() and getY() methods to XYDataset - these return double primitives. Similar changes have been made to the IntervalXYDataset, HighLowDataset and XYZDataset interfaces. New abstract base classes provide default implementations for the methods. See this forum post for the rationale behind the change: http://www.jfree.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=8617 [NEW] Added PlotOrientationDemo.java. 05-May-2004 : [BUG] Fixed problem where interval markers extended beyond the axis range. [API] Added methods to the XYItemRenderer interface that control the visibility of item labels. 29-Apr-2004 : [API] In CategoryPlot, datasets, renderers and axes are now stored in lists, doing away with the explicit distinction between "primary" and "secondary" items. This has involved a significant change to the API (a simplification overall). [BUG] Fixed problem in getMiddleMillisecond() method of the RegularTimePeriod class - see bug id 943985. [BUG] Fixed problem with drawing upper and lower shadows in BoxAndWhiskerRenderer and XYBoxAndWhiskerRenderer - see bug id 944011. [BUG] Fixed bug in TextTitle.getPreferredWidth() method - see bug id 944173. [API] Added a new GroupedStackedBarRenderer class, which also called for changes in the CategoryItemRenderer interface. 27-Apr-2004 : [API] In XYPlot, datasets, renderers and axes are now stored in lists, doing away with the explicit distinction between "primary" and "secondary" items. This has involved a significant change to the API (a simplification overall). [NEW] Added relative pie chart contributed by Benoit Xhenseval (see RFE 942195). 26-Apr-2004 : [NEW] Added getter/setter methods for arrow shapes in ValueAxis. [NEW] Added option to fill quadrant areas in XYPlot. [API] Changed some methods in PiePlot.java from public to protected. [BUG] The XML Parsers SimpleDateFormat handling was invalid [NEW] Logging code was improved to be closer to Log4J 23-Apr-2004 : [NEW] Added fillBox attribute to BoxAndWhiskerRenderer and XYBoxAndRenderer - also extended equals() method and fixed serialization issues for both. 21-Apr-2004 : [NEW] Barak Naveh has contributed word-wrapping of legend items. To use it, see the StandardLegend.setPreferredWidth() method. The org.jfree.chart.demo.LegendManiaDemo shows how it works. [NEW] Added CategoryStepRenderer class (plus CategoryStepChartDemo.java) contributed by Brian Cole. [BUG] Fixed bug in DateAxis.estimateMaximumTickLabelWidth() method (see bug 939148). 20-Apr-2004 : [BUG] Fixed XYShapeAnnotation drawing for plots with a horizontal orientation (see bug 934258). ------------------------------------- 15-Apr-2004 : VERSION 0.9.18 RELEASED [API] Split PieItemLabelGenerator interface into PieSectionLabelGenerator and PieToolTipGenerator. 14-Apr-2004 : [NEW] Added clear() method to TimeSeries class. [BUG] Fixed draw() method in XYLineAnnotation to handle plot orientation correctly. 08-Apr-2004 : [BUG] Fixed null pointer exception in PiePlot3D with a null value in the dataset. Also added a flag to control whether or not the keys for null values appear in the legend. [BUG] LogarithmicAxis changed to use numberFormatOverride if it is set - see patch 930139. [BUG] Changed the TextUtilities.createTextBlock() method to use a line break iterator rather than a word break iterator, see bug 926074. [API] Changed getScaleX() and getScaleY() in the ChartPanel class from protected to public. [BUG] Fixed problem in PiePlot3D where the plot index was not being passed on to the PieSectionEntity. 07-Apr-2004 : [BUG] Added useFontMetricsGetStringBounds attribute to the TextUtilities class (set to false by default) and added code to calculate string bounds with other methods. 05-Apr-2004 : [NEW] Added clear() method to DefaultCategoryDataset. [BUG] Fixed broken JPEG export. 01-Apr-2004 : [BUG] Fixed title layout problems with JDK 1.3.1 by replacing Dimension2D with Size2D. The cause of the problem is JDK bug 4976448. [BUG] Fixed bug in TextTitle.getPreferredHeight() method. 31-Mar-2004 : [BUG] Adjusted plot area in PiePlot/PiePlot3D for null label generator. [BUG] Fixed null pointer exception in PiePlot when label generator returns null. [BUG] Added pieIndex to StandardPieURLGenerator and set the index for each subplot in MultiplePiePlot. 30-Mar-2004 : [BUG] Fixed getNegativePaint() method in XYDifferenceRenderer. 29-Mar-2004 : [NEW] Barak Naveh contributed support for new anchor points for legend; [NEW] Barak Naveh contributed support for round corners of legend bounding box; [NEW] Barak Naveh contributed the demo app org.jfree.chart.demo.LegendManiaDemo which shows legend positions and legend bounding box options. [NEW] Barak Naveh added getMaxX() and getMaxY() methods to DrawableLegendItem. ------------------------------------- 26-Mar-2004 : VERSION 0.9.17 RELEASED [NEW] Added item label support to StackedBarRenderer3D class; [NEW] Added ordering option for legend items; 25-Mar-2004 : [NEW] Dutch localization files added; [BUG] Fixed bug in correlation calculation in Statistics class, see bug 922841; [API] Moved Spacer class from org.jfree.chart to org.jfree.ui; 24-Mar-2004 : [NEW] Added file name prefix setting to ServletUtilities class; [BUG] 922402 - category axis label paint not used; 23-Mar-2004 : [BUG] Fixed bug in getMaximumStackedRangeValue() method in the DatasetUtilities class; [BUG] Fixed a problem with the secondary axis locations in the CategoryPlot class; [BUG] Fixed problems in XYPlot clone() method; 22-Mar-2004 : [NEW] Added equals() method and implemented Serialization for classes in the org.jfree.text package; [BUG] Added workaround for bug 920959 (null pointer exception with no renderer); 19-Mar-2004 : [BUG] Fixed tooltip bug and equals() method bug in the BarRenderer class; [NEW] Added equals() method to the StandardGradientPaintTransformer class; 16-Mar-2004 : [API] Added tooltip capability to the CategoryAxis class; [BUG] Added check for null value in JDBCXYDataset; 12-Mar-2004 : [API] Some major changes to the item label and tooltip generator code. Each CategoryItemRenderer and XYItemRenderer now keeps a separate label generator and tooltip generator. The standard generators have been modified to use Java's MessageFormat class which makes it easier to customise the label strings; [BUG] Fixed bug in DateAxis where the date format override is being ignored for vertical axes; 11-Mar-2004 : [API] *MAJOR* changes to the pie plot classes, including enhancements to the section labelling; [BUG] Fixed bug in drawing symbolic axis grid background where setXORMode() triggers bug in Apple JDK and huge print files on Windows (and probably others); 10-Mar-2004 : [BUG] Fixed axis range calculation in CategoryPlot when secondary renderer is stacked; 02-Mar-2004 : [NEW] Modified PNG image export to support transparency; [NEW] Added XYBarDataset class; [API] Modified parameters for ChartFactory.createXYBarChart() method to allow for selection of DateAxis or NumberAxis for the domain axis; 01-Mar-2004 : [API] Moved HistogramBin and HistogramDataset from org.jfree.data to org.jfree.data.statistics. Additional changes were made to ensure that this dataset is cloneable and serializable; [NEW] In BoxAndWhiskerItem class, added equals() method and implemented Serializable. In KeyedObjects2D class, added equals() and clone() methods; [BUG] Fixed null pointer exception after deserialization of AbstractRenderer; [BUG] Fixed bug in serialization of TimeSeriesCollection objects; [ ] Added equals() method to StandardXYURLGenerator; 26-Feb-2004 : [ ] Implemented most of the missing hashCode() methods; modified the equals() implementations to get some performance; 25-Feb-2004 : [API] Replaced org.jfree.chart.CrosshairInfo with org.jfree.chart.plot.CrosshairState, in the process of fixing a bug with plots with orientation set to horizontal; [API] Dropped PeriodMarkerPlot as you can achieve the same result using markers now; [NEW] Added getLines() method to the TextBlock class; 19-Feb-2004 : [API] Moved ItemLabelAnchor and ItemLabelPosition to the org.jfree.chart.labels package. Deleted the deprecated class ItemLabelAnchorTable; 18-Feb-2004 : [NEW] Added CompassFormat.java and CompassFormatDemo.java; 12-Feb-2004 : [API] Removed clone() from the CategoryItemLabelGenerator interface; 11-Feb-2004 : [API] Reworked marker code to support intervals and more flexible labelling; 10-Feb-2004 : [BUG] Removed working line from XYStepRenderer class, now uses line in the state object; [API] Added getter and setter methods to XYStepAreaRenderer class; 09-Feb-2004 : [BUG] Fixed XYDifferenceRenderer to work with horizontal plot orientation; [NEW] Added new demo DifferenceChartDemo2.java showing sunrise/sunset times in London for 2004; [BUG] Fixed inefficient code in DefaultKeyedValues getIndex() method - see bug report 893256; [NEW] Added extra createBufferedImage() method to the JFreeChart class to create scaled images; [NEW] Added flag to TimeSeriesToolTipGenerator class to include or exclude the series name from the tooltip; 06-Feb-2004 : [API] Added some methods that were omitted from the CategoryItemRenderer interface; [BUG] Fixed legend in DualAxisDemo5; 04-Feb-2004 : [ ] Fixed Checkstyle complaints in many source files; 03-Feb-2004 : [NEW] Modified the XYSeriesCollection class so that it implements the IntervalXYDataset interface, making it possible to create XY bar charts with this dataset; [NEW] Added get/set methods for GanttRenderer attributes; [NEW] Added indexOf() method to XYSeries class; [BUG] Fixed bug in TextTitle.getPreferredWidth() method; 02-Feb-2004 : [BUG] BarRenderer3D now respects the 'drawBarOutline' flag; [BUG] Fixed bug with the zooming trigger in the ChartPanel class; 30-Jan-2004 : [API] Refactored PiePlot code to move multiple pie charts code into a separate class, MultiplePiePlot. It is now possible to use 3D pie charts for multiple pie charts; [BUG] Fixed null pointer exception when setting a secondary dataset to null (bug id 884782); 29-Jan-2004 : [NEW] Added flag to control whether XYSeries is sorted or unsorted, see patch 886740; [NEW] Added color option for sublabels in ExtendedCategoryAxis; [BUG] Fixed problem in HighLowRenderer with PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL - see bug report 882392; 28-Jan-2004 : [NEW] Added German localisation resource files (see patch 884724); [BUG] Fixed bug 882890 - problem with y axis range when creating a chart using ChartFactory.createStackedAreaXYChart(); [ ] Renamed StackedAreaXYChartDemo.java --> StackedXYAreaChartDemo.java; 27-Jan-2004 : [NEW] Created a new XYLineAndShapeRenderer; [BUG] Fixed index out of bounds bug in KeyedObjects class (see bug report 885462); [BUG] Moved working line attribute from StandardXYItemRenderer to state object; 26-Jan-2004 : [NEW] Added grid lines to the FastScatterPlot class; 22-Jan-2004 : [NEW] Added ImageMapDemo5 as a test for bug report 815817 - it works OK; 21-Jan-2004 : [NEW] Changed the legend code so that legend shapes reflect the filled/unfilled status in the renderer; [API] Renamed translateValueToJava2D() --> valueToJava2D() and translateJava2DToValue() --> java2DToValue() in the ValueAxis class. The method name has been shortened to help reduce line wrapping in the renderer source files; 20-Jan-2004 : [NEW] Integrated polar chart classes contributed by Daniel Bridenbecker, Solution Engineering, Inc; 17-Jan-2004 : [NEW] Added ability to set custom tooltip timings for the ChartPanel class - see patch 877565 (thanks to Matthias Rose); [BUG] Fixed XYTextAnnotation position for plots with horizontal orientation (bug 878706); [BUG] Fixed incorrect reference to localisation resource in ColorBarPropertyEditPanel (bug 862126); [BUG] Changed MeterPlot to allow dialBackgroundPaint to be set to null (bug 823628); [BUG] Added methods to ContourDataset that are required by the ContourPlot class, then changed references to DefaultContourDataset to ContourDataset (bug 741048); 13-Jan-2004 : [BUG] Fixed extra/unwanted tick label on DateAxis with tick size of 1 year. Refer to the following post in the forum: http://www.jfree.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=7040; ------------------------------------- 09-Jan-2004 : VERSION 0.9.16 RELEASED