--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18-AUG-2006 The blockage status of the MB 2341 (meas_id: 23527) changed from "other" to "itp20h" on request of P.Bestmann (Winkes). The blockage status of the MB 1303 (meas_id: 24248) changed from "as is" to "itp20stat" on request of P.Bestmann (Winkes). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06-SEP-2006 The blockage status of the MB 1358 measured the 29.08.06 changed from itp20stat to itp20 on request of P.Bestmann. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-SEP-2006 The measurements 639_WP15X-CSSW_1, 639_WP15X-WSSW_1 and 639_WP15X-CCHA_1 were invalidated (erased from the table SSSGEO2_MAG_STEP_CAT and SSSGEO2_FINAL_MEAS_CAT). The corresponding steps do not appear in the viewer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19-SEP-2006 Deletion of some points from SSSGEO2_AXIS on request of Marco Buzio. SQL> delete from sssgeo2_axis 2 where meas_id = '301_WP18X-MAG_1' 3 and magnet_type in ('MCBV','MCBH'); 10 rows deleted. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> delete from sssgeo2_axis 2 where meas_id like '345%MAG%' 3 and magnet_type in ('MCBV','MCBH'); 10 rows deleted. SQL> commit; Commit complete. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22-SEP-2006 On requset of Patrick Bestmann the GEOREF column in the CCGEO_MEAS_ENV is filled with the data originally loaded in the column CM_TILT (the configuration file for the upload routine was changed accordingly). The missing value -0.001003mrad for HCLEBR_000-CR000001 was inserted. The following measurements for separator dipoles were deleted on request of B.Jeanneret. execute DIPSEPGEO_UTL.delete_measurement('D4L101_CERN-BFBNLX_1'); 108 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_AXIS. 2 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_BEAM_LINE_EXTREMITIES. 8 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_CARTOGRAPHY. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_END_COVERS. 6 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_FIDUCIALS. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_LENGTH. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MEAS_INSTRUMENTS. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MEAS_ENV. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_FINAL_MEAS_CAT. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MAG_STEP_CAT. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MEAS_CAT. execute DIPSEPGEO_UTL.delete_measurement('D4L101_CERN-FIDX_1'); 108 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_AXIS. 2 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_BEAM_LINE_EXTREMITIES. 8 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_CARTOGRAPHY. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_END_COVERS. 6 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_FIDUCIALS. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_LENGTH. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MEAS_INSTRUMENTS. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MEAS_ENV. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_FINAL_MEAS_CAT. 1 record deleted from DIPSEPGEO_ALIGNMENT. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MAG_STEP_CAT. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MEAS_CAT. execute DIPSEPGEO_UTL.delete_measurement('D4L102_CERN-BFBNLX_1'); 93 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_AXIS. 2 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_BEAM_LINE_EXTREMITIES. 8 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_CARTOGRAPHY. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_END_COVERS. 6 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_FIDUCIALS. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_LENGTH. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MEAS_INSTRUMENTS. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MEAS_ENV. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_FINAL_MEAS_CAT. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MAG_STEP_CAT. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MEAS_CAT. execute DIPSEPGEO_UTL.delete_measurement('D4L102_CERN-FIDX_1'); 93 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_AXIS. 2 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_BEAM_LINE_EXTREMITIES. 8 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_CARTOGRAPHY. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_END_COVERS. 6 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_FIDUCIALS. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_LENGTH. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MEAS_INSTRUMENTS. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MEAS_ENV. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_FINAL_MEAS_CAT. 1 record deleted from DIPSEPGEO_ALIGNMENT. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MAG_STEP_CAT. 1 records deleted from DIPSEPGEO_MEAS_CAT. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25-SEP-2006 1. The record with ALIGN_ID = 145 deleted from the table CRYOGEO_ALIGNMENT (this was duplicated final alignment for the MB 3163. 2. DX value for the MQS was corrected by 0.7mm on request by M.Buzio and M.Modena: update sssgeo2_axis set dx = dx + 0.0007 where meas_id = '262_WP18X-MAG_1' and magnet_type = 'MQS' and aperture = 1 and dx = -.001017; 1 record updated The new value is -.000317 m. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-OCT-2006 The blockage status of the MB 1383, measured on 09-OCT-2006 was changed on request of P.Bestmann from itp20 to itp20stat: SQL> UPDATE CRYOGEO_MEAS_ENV 2 SET BLOCKAGE_STATUS = 'itp20stat' 3 where meas_id = 25528 4 and BLOCKAGE_STATUS = 'itp20'; 1 row updated. SQL> commit; Commit complete. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-OCT-2006 Last few weeks I receive each hour a mail from the DerivedData package running on Zhengwei's PC. Nobody has reported any problem. The error message is as follows (seems that it tried to insert the same stability data): ORA-00001: unique constraint (MMSMA.CRYOGEO_STABILITY_HOR_PKEY) violated ... DerivedData.StabilityCalculus.UploadDB(StabilityCalculus.java:100) DerivedData.StabilityCalculus.(StabilityCalculus.java:58) DerivedData.Main.main(Main.java:16) I have found that the error appears when the routine tries to load the STABILITY for the magnet 1185 and step WP08-FID. There was already a calculation for this magnet for the same step, but the PRECEDING_STEP was different - it was ITP20-GEO. The new calculation attempted to insert the calculation for the preceding step WP03-FID. But, since the primary key for the table only allows one record per magnet, aperture and step, this second calculation was rejected. This error stops the calculation of the stability and twists. I have deleted the previous calculation for 1185 (i.e. the calculation for ITP20-GEO - WP08-FID) and now the program runs without any error. The deleted records are saved for the case of they might be needed in the table X_CRYOGEO_STABILITY_HORIZONTAL (visible from MAS_ALL): create table X_CRYOGEO_STABILITY_HORIZONTAL as select * from CRYOGEO_STABILITY_HORIZONTAL where magnet_nu = 1185 and step = 'WP08-FID'; delete from CRYOGEO_STABILITY_HORIZONTAL where magnet_nu = 1185 and step = 'WP08-FID'; grant select on X_CRYOGEO_STABILITY_HORIZONTAL to MAS_ALL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25-OCT-2006 On request of Patrick Bestmann the D11_DY and D11_DZ values for 667 connection end cover were erased: update SSSGEO2_END_COVERS set D11_DY = null, D11_DZ = null where meas_id = '667_WP18X-FID_1' and side = 'connection'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27-OCT-2006 The final choice for the MB2280 was changed from WP08 to WP08B. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03-NOV-2006 execute MMSMA.SHIFTS_ADMIN.invalidate_shift('1219', 'ipack remained stored since aug-2005 while magnet was de-qualified'); execute MMSMA.SHIFTS_ADMIN.invalidate_shift('2513', 'to be de-cryostated'); execute MMSMA.SHIFTS_ADMIN.invalidate_shift('3245', 'to be de-cryostated (2nd time in a few days!)'); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-NOV-2006 On request by B.Jenneret and P.Bestmann the step name for the magnet HCLQXC_001-FL000002 was changes from CERN_FID2 to CERN-FID2. GA_ON was put to 2Q3_CERN-FIDX_2, final choice is CERN-FID2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-NOV-2006 On request of B.Jeanneret, the alignment was reattached to the reloaded fidu. SQL> update lowbetageo_final_meas_cat set align_id = 2 'LQXC07_2' 3 where magnet_name = 'HCLQXC_001-FL000007' 4 and final_meas_id = '7Q3_CERN-FIDX_3'; 1 row updated. SQL> commit; Commit complete. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17-NOV-2006 execute SHIFTS_ADMIN.invalidate_shift('649', 'on request by M.Giovannozzi sent on Friday, November 17, 2006 9:17 AM: at the last MEB it was announced that the SSS649 will be removed from the tunnel'); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20-NOV-2006 The DIODE type was changed from Y to X for the cold masses 2624 UPLOAD_ID 13822 2790 UPLOAD_ID 13802 in the FILE_INFO column of the WMF2_DATA_SOURCE table. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21-NOV-2006 On request of P.Bestmann the missing mole names for low beta were restored from the list supplied by Patrick. To store the list given by Patrick the new auxiliary table was created: create table X_MOLE_NUMBERS ( magnet_type varchar2(30), magnet_nu varchar2(30), geo_mole varchar2(30), ac_mole varchar2(30), constraint X_MOLE_NUMBERS_PK primary key (magnet_type, magnet_nu) using index tablespace INDX ); Then the old data from the table LOWBETAGEO_MEAS_INSTRUMENTS was saved into auxiliary table X_LOWBETAGEO_MEAS_INSTRUMENTS with the query: create table X_LOWBETAGEO_MEAS_INSTRUMENTS as select * from LOWBETAGEO_MEAS_INSTRUMENTS; And the mole names updated in the table LOWBETAGEO_MEAS_INSTRUMENTS with the following queries: update LOWBETAGEO_MEAS_INSTRUMENTS A set mole_name = ( select geo_mole from X_MOLE_NUMBERS where magnet_nu = substr(A.meas_id, 1, length(magnet_nu)) and magnet_type = decode (substr(A.meas_id, length(magnet_nu) + 1, 2), 'Q1', 'LQXA', 'Q2', 'LQXB', 'Q3', 'LQXC') ) where mole_type = 'GEO-Mole' and exists ( select geo_mole from X_MOLE_NUMBERS where magnet_nu = substr(A.meas_id, 1, length(magnet_nu)) and magnet_type = decode (substr(A.meas_id, length(magnet_nu) + 1, 2), 'Q1', 'LQXA', 'Q2', 'LQXB', 'Q3', 'LQXC') ) and update LOWBETAGEO_MEAS_INSTRUMENTS A set mole_name = ( select ac_mole from X_MOLE_NUMBERS where magnet_nu = substr(A.meas_id, 1, length(magnet_nu)) and magnet_type = decode (substr(A.meas_id, length(magnet_nu) + 1, 2), 'Q1', 'LQXA', 'Q2', 'LQXB', 'Q3', 'LQXC') and ac_mole not like 'not%' ) where mole_type = 'AC-Mole' and exists ( select ac_mole from X_MOLE_NUMBERS where magnet_nu = substr(A.meas_id, 1, length(magnet_nu)) and magnet_type = decode (substr(A.meas_id, length(magnet_nu) + 1, 2), 'Q1', 'LQXA', 'Q2', 'LQXB', 'Q3', 'LQXC') and ac_mole not like 'not%' ); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01-DEC-2006 To upload the WMF measurement of cc2598 the following constraints had to be disabled and after upload enabled again with NOVALIDATE option: alter table WMF2_MEAS_INTEGRAL disable constraint WMF2_INTEGRAL_A1_CK; alter table WMF2_LENGTH disable constraint WMF_LENGTH_TI_CK; uploading... alter table WMF2_MEAS_INTEGRAL enable novalidate constraint WMF2_INTEGRAL_A1_CK; alter table WMF2_LENGTH enable novalidate constraint WMF_LENGTH_TI_CK ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04-DEC-2006 To enable the smooth running of the DerivedData package (crash with the error message ORA-00001: unique constraint (MMSMA.CRYOGEO_STABILITY_HOR_PKEY) violated bad records were deleted from the table CRYOGEO_STABILITY_HORIZONTAL (saved to X_CRYOGEO_STABILITY_HORIZONTAL): insert into X_CRYOGEO_STABILITY_HORIZONTAL select * from CRYOGEO_STABILITY_HORIZONTAL where magnet_nu = 1372 and preceding_step = 'ITP20-GEO' and step > 'WP08-GEO' order by magnet_nu; delete from CRYOGEO_STABILITY_HORIZONTAL where magnet_nu = 1372 and preceding_step = 'ITP20-GEO' and step > 'WP08-GEO';