James Clerk Maxwell (13 June 1831 – 5 November 1879) was a Scottish mathematician and theoretical physicist. Jean-Baptiste Biot (April 21, 1774, Paris – February 3, 1862, Paris) was a French physicist, astronomer and mathematician. Félix Savart (June 30, 1791-March 16, 1841) became a professor at Collège de France in 1836 and was the co-originator Augustin Louis Cauchy (August 21, 1789 – May 23, 1857) was a French mathematician. He started the project of formulating and proving the theorems of calculus in a rigorous manner and was thus an early pioneer of analysis. He also gave several important theorems in complex analysis and initiated the study of permutation groups. A profound mathematician, Cauchy exercised by his perspicuous and rigorous methods a great influence over his contemporaries and successors. His writings cover the entire range of mathematics and mathematical physics. Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (November 17, 1826 - July 20, 1866) (pronounced REE mahn or in IPA: ['ri:man]) was a German mathematician who made important contributions to analysis and differential geometry, some of them paving the way for the later development of general relativity.