Coil Traveller
1.General description of the coil head and section (geometry, main use, test installation).
head number(1)  
sector number(2) Quad N°11
(1)As assigned by MTA – example h021.
(2)As assigned by MMS for complete shafts (e.g. Block-4 shafts) or MTA for modular shafts
(3)Test station were the shaft is commonly used, e.g. SM-18, Block-4.
Calibration Data
2.Summary data sheet for each section in a shaft 
coil(1) (-) A B C D E
coil number(2) (-) 16I 22I 6I 1I 19F
calibration date(3) (-) 05/08/03 05/08/03 05/08/03 05/08/03 05/08/03
number of turns(4) (-) 400 400 400 400 400
coil inner width(5) (mm) 6.62 6.63 6.62 6.60 6.64
coil inner length(6) (mm) 749.9 749.9 749.9 749.9 749.9
coil groove thickness(7) (mm)          
coil magnetic surface(8) (m2) 1.98510 1.98824 1.98508 1.98015 1.99245
relative area difference(9) (10-3) 0.0 1.6 0.0 -2.5 3.7
average winding thickness(10) (mm)          
coil center radius(11) (mm) 17.23 8.64 0.01 8.64 17.23
coil center angle(12) (rad) 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.14159 3.14159
axial tilt(13) (mrad) 0.0 0.8 -1.3 -2.3 1.3
measuring radius (left)(14) (mm) 13.922 5.329 -3.301 -11.944 -20.551
measuring radius (right)(15) (mm) 20.540 11.957 3.317 -5.343 -13.908
(1)standard denomination in the database. Coil A corresponds to the old “mark” coil, coil C to the
 central coil, coil E to the “opposite mark” coil. For a three coil system only coils A, C and E are entered in the table. 
(2)Coil number as given during winding and sorting (internal numbering used by MMS).
(3)Date of coil calibration (measurement in the calibration magnet).
(4)Total number of turns in the coil.
(5)Width of the coil former (inside the winding) from construction drawings.
(6)Length of the coil former (inside the winding) from construction drawings.
(7)Thickness of the winding groove in the coil former from construction drawings.
(8)Coil cross section as measured in the calibration magnet.
(9)Relative difference of cross sections among the coils in a section with respect to a reference coil (usually C),
 computed based on the measured surface of each coil.
(10)Obtained as the difference of measurements of the coil former before winding and of the coil after winding.
 Leave blank if not available.
(11)Measured in the calibration magnet or derived from construction drawing.
(12)Measured in the calibration magnet or derived from construction drawing.
(13)Parallelism error with respect to the horizontal plane of the coil section. Presently measured in the calibration
 magnet as relative parallelism error with respect to central coil .
(14)From construction drawings or computed based on coil width, center radius and center angle.
(15)From construction drawings or computed based on coil width, center radius and center angle.