REF CEA : 5C2390F-S2000347 Per, Here is my macro. The main ones are : FormatResulTxt : This NEW macro use directly the result file, and transform it in an excel file, put some colors depending on the alarms and add a graph. To use it you need to open the result.txt at first for an aperture. For a cold mass, the result of aperture 1 shall be in a sub-directory named V1, the one for aperture 2 in V2 and the result.xls is recorded in the home directory. Open one of the 2 result.txt. The macro find the other one and merge the both sheet in the same result.xls. A_Trait_ET_Liste : this is the macro which transform the 5 file.RES in a warmfield.xls. Firstly, customize the macro init_PC. Repbase is the path where the macro and the template warmfield.xls are recorded The file.RES can be recorded anywhere else but in directory named "apXXX", "CM XXX/V1" "CM XXX/V2". To work it, open from excel ALL 5 or 10 the file.res and launch the macro. After that you just need to select the 5 files you need. For a cold mass, select all 10 .RES files Repeat the procedure 2 produce integral values twice. Fabrice (modified by Per)