lhc-div-mms.web.cern.ch - /Inspectors/Ansaldo/Files/Ansaldo Contract/Geometry/NOELL/HCMBB-001-03000005/On the feet/On the feet first/

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7/25/2002 7:21 PM 2440 020725_a.ini
9/11/2002 11:50 AM 3262464 020731_a.axyz
8/2/2002 8:44 AM 2434 020731_a.ini
7/25/2002 7:27 PM 5386 all_meas.txt
7/25/2002 7:30 PM 5534 all_meas_tr.txt
7/25/2002 7:53 PM 174080 analysis_first.xls
7/25/2002 7:22 PM 1282 extcc.txt
7/25/2002 7:23 PM 1315 extcl.txt
7/25/2002 7:22 PM 1294 intcc.txt
7/25/2002 7:22 PM 1242 intcl.txt
7/25/2002 7:23 PM 241 refcc.txt
7/25/2002 7:31 PM 241 refcc_tr.txt
1/13/2015 9:43 AM <dir> Temp
7/25/2002 7:27 PM 5461 theor.txt