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Magnet design-Analysis and database Section

Mandate  -  People  -  Administration - Activities  -  Publications 


  • Analysis of the construction of the main LHC dipoles and quadrupoles, and of their components, correlating various data coming from coils, collared coils and final cold mass to assure the conformity to design.
  • Steer the production from the FQ and geometry point of view, by proper correlation with the beam optics requirements in operative conditions and study and propose all measures to correct possible deviations or discrepancy to targets.
  • Identification of the parameters influencing the field-shape and the geometrical performances.
  • Manage the factory measuring system of magnetic field used as magnet acceptance (holding points), using the services of the specialized team in the Division (MTI) or Sector (Control group).
  • Validation of the dipole cold masses before dispatch from industry (in strict collaboration with the MD section). Definition of the corrective actions required to rescue components or magnets out of tolerance.
  • Definition of the database for dipoles, both as a mean of analysis and as a tool for the magnet follow-up, in order to allow fast reaction to CMAs, using the expertise and the hardware provided by specialized CERN services (EST, IT).
  • Contribution to validation of final magnets after cold tests and before installation in the LHC tunnel, in the frame of the Magnet Evaluation Board, and to provide the necessary links of the group with beam optics and physics.


  • Gilles Berard (staff technician)

  • Franck Borgnolutti (doctoral student)

  • Gijs De Rijk (staff scientist)

  • Arnaud Devred (scientific associate from Commissariat Energie Atomique, Saclay) Nb3Sn project

  • Zhengwei Gao (PJAS)

  • Per Hagen (staff)

  • Christine Hoa (fellow)

  • Jean-Pierre Koutchouk (section leader)

  • Emanuele Laface (doctoral student)

  • Guido Sterbini (doctoral student)

  • Ezio Todesco (staff scientist) home page

  • Christine Vollinger (staff scientist)

  • Elena Wildner (staff scientist)



LHC Magnet Quality Assurance & Control
(restricted access)

Magnet Databases and Software Support (restricted access)



Updated 2007-04-04 by PH