lhc-div-mms.web.cern.ch - /Inspectors/Ansaldo/Files/Ansaldo Contract/Travellers/HCMBBRA001-02000004/Geometrical measurements/
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9/17/2002 1:28 PM 105984 CFP inspection sheet1a.xls
9/17/2002 1:34 PM 105984 CFP inspection sheet1b.xls
9/17/2002 11:01 AM 105984 CFP inspection sheet2a.xls
9/17/2002 1:30 PM 105984 CFP inspection sheet2b.xls
9/17/2002 1:36 PM 105472 CFP inspection sheet33a.xls
9/17/2002 11:18 AM 105984 CFP inspection sheet3a.xls
9/17/2002 1:36 PM 105472 CFP inspection sheet3b.xls
1/13/2015 9:52 AM <dir> CM_B_M004
11/14/2002 12:26 PM 35840 ColldimA4.xls
1/13/2015 9:52 AM <dir> cylinder
10/24/2002 7:09 PM 25600 endcoco.xls
12/13/2002 9:34 AM 221696 ITP20-GEO-2004.xls
12/13/2002 9:34 AM 652288 ITP20-HCMBB-2004.xls
12/10/2002 11:07 AM 652288 ITP20-HCMBB-20042.xls
12/10/2002 11:02 AM 643584 ITP20-HCMBB-2004_1.xls
1/13/2015 9:52 AM <dir> Measuring rollers
12/13/2002 9:34 AM 56832 NC-CERN76.doc
1/13/2015 9:52 AM <dir> On the feet
1/13/2015 9:52 AM <dir> Test
1/13/2015 9:52 AM <dir> Under press
1/13/2015 9:52 AM <dir> With the end covers