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The LHC-MMS Coil Size and E-modulus Observatory


Instructions: to reduce the probability of activating IE and Excel bugs, please do not open files from your browser but save them on your disk (on IE, place your mouse on the link, then right mouse and Save target as ...). Then, please open them with the disabled macro and no update options. You need a NICE password to download the files. For problems in file downloading please contact iouri.vanenkov@cern.ch.

Inner and outer coil layers and the assembled poles are identified by their ID-number

Excel files with coil size and collared coil dimensions measurements of each collared coil can be found in the LHC main dipole data repository. Measurements and post-processing of raw data are carried out through instrumentation and personnel of the firms and by CERN .

Data of the Coil Size measurements

Firm 1. Average coil size in the straight part of the assembled poles
Firm 2. Average coil size in the straight part of the assembled poles
Firm 2. Average coil size in the straight part of the inner layers
Firm 2. Average coil size in the straight part of the outer layers
Firm 3. Average coil size in the straight part of the inner layers
Firm 3. Average coil size in the straight part of the outer layers

Mechanical measurements in the main LHC dipole collared coils newsletter

report: October-November 2002

report: December 2002 - March 2003

report: April - June 2003

report: July - September 2003

report: October - December 2003

report: January - February 2004

report: March - April 2004

report: May - June 2004

-  Content- Iouri Vanenkov - December 2002