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6/1/2006 5:14 PM 2174398 6.474-LHC-Oxidation on FSG Laminations.pdf
7/5/2006 10:54 AM 2940141 6.474-R1-LHC-Oxidation on FSG Laminations.pdf
10/13/2006 11:33 PM 4150980 6.474-R4-LHC-Oxidation on FSG Laminations.pdf
1/26/2006 2:55 PM 20480 BB_Diodes_Correctors.doc
7/11/2005 10:33 AM 246272 cables Ansaldo.xls
7/7/2005 9:44 AM 266240 CABLES_ANSALDO.xls
1/13/2015 9:37 AM <dir> Collars
2/20/2006 4:28 PM 179712 Componenti_LHC.xls
9/13/2007 8:41 AM 103936 Composants Ansaldo2.xls
10/1/2005 3:59 PM 156225 Excor protective film_FSG.pdf
1/13/2015 9:37 AM <dir> Insert CoC
9/18/2006 8:34 AM 16896 Lamierini presso Mag ASG.XLS
10/18/2005 8:21 AM 1594241 LHC-lamierini FSG.pdf
7/19/2005 11:24 AM 36352 lhccomponents with CERN figures.xls
7/6/2005 11:17 AM 31744 lhccomponentsfrom cernafinire.xls
7/18/2005 3:00 PM 33280 lhccomponentsfrom cernafinire_A.xls
9/2/2005 9:04 AM 35328 lhccomponentsfrom cernafinire_B.xls
4/27/2006 3:47 PM 225792 material_archive3_ASG.xls
6/1/2006 3:57 PM 18432 Parts to finish 01-06-06.xls
9/16/2005 1:15 PM 32768 Report_Components.xls
1/13/2015 9:37 AM <dir> Scrapped
10/6/2005 11:51 AM 65536 sextupoles.xls
9/28/2005 4:03 PM 20480 SEXTUPOLES_ASG.xls