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5/17/2004 11:31 AM 103 .fp_folder_info
5/27/2004 2:43 AM 371 01B_dimensions_MB_26may04.xls
1/12/2004 4:08 PM 297 Ansaldo-Visit2004_list.pdf
5/17/2004 7:31 AM 348 Apical and copper wedges.xls
2/6/2004 12:16 PM 427 APICAL_rejected_rolls.doc
10/8/2004 8:48 AM 370 AUDIT_WorkDoc_V1.xls
9/21/2004 10:24 AM 260 Cold Bore Tube ID.pdf
6/23/2004 12:54 PM 458 Collaring packs at Ansaldo.doc
6/22/2004 4:09 PM 763 Collars Packs assembly ASG.doc
11/27/2003 4:40 PM 391 Comparaison composants.xls
6/15/2004 7:21 AM 260 Doc-trasp-2049.pdf
6/18/2004 3:53 AM 502 Electrical faults on poles and layers at Ansaldo.doc
8/14/2003 2:03 PM 253 Gap_end_plates.xls
11/17/2003 4:12 PM 298 Instuctions_2032.pdf
5/17/2004 11:31 AM 297 Insulation tapes Ansaldo.pdf
4/21/2004 9:38 AM 298 Leak test plant9439C.dwg
10/6/2003 9:54 AM 296 lhcprimo ottante.xls
10/6/2003 12:40 PM 296 lhcprimo ottantebis.xls
10/6/2003 9:59 AM 296 lhcsecondo ottantebis.xls
8/23/2004 3:45 PM 647 mtf-wedges-collars-2004-08-23.xls
1/19/2004 3:44 PM 455 Nota_accoppiamento_cavi_CM_88-92.doc
3/26/2004 3:24 PM 298 Positionnement correcteurs_2.dwg
11/5/2003 1:53 PM 297 Pot capillaire.dwg
3/22/2004 3:16 PM 420 Visit to SELVA a.doc
3/22/2004 2:29 PM 420 Visit to SELVA b_cable problems_Jurgen.doc
3/23/2004 11:10 AM 437 Visit_report_040319_Selva_Terzi.doc